I went back to my old high school today. It was a little strange at first. I was only there for one year so the memories spent at that school aren’t as many. Nor would they be of greater importance than from those of the high school from which I graduated. But they stand hanging like cobwebs.

Walking the halls again today, I got flashes of the girl I was back then. I remember thinking, “I’m fifteen. I can do this. I can do this.” I remember how uncertain I was with EVERYTHING. Clothes, hair, FACE, boys, friends- all those matter so much to me then. How I wish I fit the image of being someone “special” and “popular”. Let’s face it- at 15, I was a dork. I was awkward and unhappy with who I was overall.

I started to think that if I could have met my 15-year old self, would she like what she saw? Of the person that’s standing in front of her and her future self. Would she be proud? Would she like how she looked? Is there still a little of that 15-yr. me in the 26 -yr. me today?

I went home and looked in the mirror.

I think so.