2024 Decluttering

Declutter- (verb) to remove mess or clutter, to organize & prioritize one’s commitments and remove material possessions and obsessions

I want to be able to sort out the noise and distractions of my life. Hence 2024 word of the year is “declutter”. I would love to stop consuming material goods as much and focus on using what I do have. I need to stop saving things bc of my weird, emotional attachment to what it represents. I need to let go. I bet I’ll feel less heavy hearted.

I want to save more and focus on my goal of owning a home. Work on my debt this year bc in 2023, I was not good at building my savings and at times I felt like I was being swallowed by debt.

Breathe Julie.

Top Highs of 2023

1.) My sister Jessica is pregnant with my nephew, Evan.

2.) Baby Maleia was born! So happy to for Ly & Chris’ rainbow baby. She’s healthy and adorable!

3.) Held a line for a whole year and got back to international flying.

4.) Esel got engaged. Happy for her after all that happened in the past.

5.) Sleep schedule has gotten better with and without sleep aids.

Top Lows of 2023

1.) Found out a close friend was talking about me behind my back during my bday trip and it resulted in the end of a 13 yrs friendship.

2.) Was told by my sister I needed to stop buying gifts for my niece and nephew bc I was spoiling them. Made to be more mindful and respect her wishes.

3.) Fall out with my mother bc she said I didn’t like being responsible for anything.

4.) Still struggling with eczema and sleeping restfully

5.) Didn’t contribute much to my saving accounts and still struggling with weight gain.

I’m trying not to focus on my lows too much but it does sting that I can easily list them where as I required some deep thinking to come up with the highs.

Hopes for 2024:

1.) Increase savings and pay off one to two credit cards.

2.) Get healthy and keep off the pounds.

3.) Work on being happy and easier on myself.

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